FPGA-forum 2022 is postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic
The FPGA-forum committee has decided that FPGA-forum 2022 unfortunately will be postponed until Wednesday 7th to Thursday 8th September 2022.
We have had good flexibility from the Hotel and could have had a free cancellation as late as early January, and thus we were evaluating whether to wait until January with a final decision. Now, with the minimum 4 weeks of new and strong restrictions in Norway, we could no longer wait with the decision to postpone FPGA-forum 2022.
We consider the probability very low that the pandemic is
a) significantly reduced early in January, and
b) not going to increase to an unacceptable level again after the 4 weeks strong restriction period
We also consider the probability high that even if the pandemic was reduced significantly early in January, lots of potential participants would be very hesitant to register for the event and take part in it.
The speakers are the most important contributors to FPGA forum, and they invest a lot of time in making good presentations. Some of these would typically start preparing their presentations these days, and that is an important reason for making the final decision now.
We really hope the pandemic will become weaker soon, but as a minimum we assume that seasonal trends from 2020 and 2021 will continue in 2022. For that reason – and to keep well away from the summer vacations, we have found early September to be a good time to arrange FPGA-forum this year. That should hopefully allow the FPGA-community to safely meet physically again – without the risk of cancellation.
We have already got confirmation from our opening keynote Clive “Max” Maxfield that he will be here in September 😊.
We will now get in touch with the other presenters, including our two closing keynotes. Hopefully, they will all be able to hold their presentation in September. That would really be great, as the current list of presentations is both varied and very interesting.
We *very much* look forward to meeting the Norwegian FPGA-community in September.