We have again Workshops on Day 0 – Tuesday 4 February:
Note that FPGA-forum workshops are handled 100% by each workshop organiser.
Workshop 1: Security in FPGA based systems…
Time: 4 February: TBD
A deep dive in security concepts
By Tony Cartolano, Altera
Registration and more info: https://forms.office.com/r/6qvw37F6BH
Workshop 2: Build your RISC-V system on a Low Power FPGA
Time: 4 February: 12:30-16:30
Learn how to build and program your RISC-V processor system with Lattice Radiant and Propel Tools on free Certux-NX Low Power CRUVI board. When all up and running you can take the board with you and continue you company design at work
By Matt Holdsworth and René Kappel Jensen
Registration and more info: https://forms.office.com/r/PNJmnGVLzw