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Security is critical for any modern embedded system – and thus also for FPGAs, – but FPGAs could also be the key to better embedded systems security.
For FPGA-forum 2025 we wanted an opening keynote on FPGA and Security, and this is a very welcome result of that request.
(See also article in Elektronikknett – in Norwegian.)
FPGAAIPQCCRABBQ, or How to Decode (Survive?) The Cyber Storm
Presented by Anthony Cartolano, Altera FPGA Security Expert
Cybersecurity has captured headlines with an alarming increase in frequency. Between AI, quantum computers, software platforms, and government inquiries, it has been difficult to avoid daily disruptions, much less complete a reasonable product development cycle. In this talk, we’ll examine how recent trends, including artificial intelligence, post-quantum cryptography and more are placing incredible demands on product designers. We’ll show how and why FPGAs are uniquely suited to help designers both survive the current storm of rapidly changing requirements and prepare to respond to challenges throughout their lifecycle. Finally, we’ll discuss how FPGAs are already prepared to meet the requirements of the Cyber Resilience Act.